Economic & Trade Risk Insights

Checking Customer Creditworthiness

Checking the creditworthiness of new customers is important to ensure a steady cash flow. Learn the best practices for assessing customers with Allianz Trade.
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What is Export Credit​?

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Fed gets more hawkish even as inflation slows

The May Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose more than expected. Read Dan North's Report to learn about current inflation trends.
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Payment in International Trade : Factors and Payment Methods

Methods of Payment in International Trade

When conducting business with overseas markets, there are various options for payment. Learn more about the pros and cons of each method from Allianz Trade.
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The Bank of Canada is the first to cut

The Bank of Canada (BoC) became the first bank in the G7 to cut interest rates, dropping the overnight rate by 0.25%.
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Accounts Receivable Insurance: Understanding the Benefits and Costs

How to Grow Your Business Safely

Business development and safe growth go hand-in-hand as you balance the cost of doing business with the risk. Trade credit insurance is one way to safely grow.
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Accounts Receivable Insurance: Understanding the Benefits and Costs

An Overlooked Business Growth Strategy

How do you adapt your business strategies to fuel growth? The one business growth strategy nobody ever talks about is insuring your receivables to expand sales.
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Extend Credit to Grow Sales

Extend Credit to Grow Sales

Grow your business by offering short-term credit, business credit, due upon receipt payment, & upfront payment — then mitigate risk via trade credit insurance.
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two caucasian males talking

Accounts Receivable Days: Definition & How to Calculate

Accounts Receivable Days is a financial metric that provides insight into how quickly a company collects cash from its credit sales. Learn more, click now!
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60 releases in total

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