Credit Insurance for single contracts

Securing contracts against payment defaults

Credit insurance for single contracts offers robust protection against non-payment risks, safeguarding invoices and work-in-progress costs within a single contract of up to 3 years.

Coverage remains fixed throughout the policy period, with non-cancellable credit limits, which differs from short-term credit insurance, providing businesses with consistent financial security for their contractual agreements.

Enhance contract security and operational continuity in the face of financial uncertainties

Ensure resilience amid financial uncertainties, safeguarding contracts against non-payment risks.
Enjoy comprehensive protection tailored for contracts, with non-cancellable credit limits.
Preserve financial stability and ensure seamless operations by proactively protecting contracts.

Supply and installation of LED lighting

A LED lighting supplier were awarded a £1,500,000, 18-month, contract to replace existing lighting systems with energy efficient solutions, in all of the buyer’s locations, nationally.

Risk: Potential payment default and buyer failure before physical works started (pre-credit risk) during the manufacture and purchase of materials stage.

Solution: The business secures Medium Term Credit Insurance, covering 90% of the outstanding balance, including a loss payee provision for the company’s bank who were financing the project.

Outcome: If the buyer defaults, the company is covered against non-payment of the insured receivables and their work in progress costs.

Automotive parts manufacturer

A manufacturer of automotive parts secures a £2,000,000 two-year contract with an overseas distributor, with payment terms of 40% upfront and 60% phased over three years.

Risk: Potential payment default or delays due to international factors.

Solution: The part manufacturer purchases Medium Term Credit Insurance covering 90% of the contract value, including Political Risk cover.

Outcome: Insurance protects against default, ensuring the manufacturer's cash flow remains stable and operational disruptions are minimised, enhancing financial resilience in their international trade.

Complete the form for your free  no-obligation Trade Credit Insurance consultation

Alternatively, call us Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00 on 0800 056 5452

Other Medium Term Credit Insurance solutions

Our Medium Term Credit Insurance solutions safeguard you against the risks of non-payment of invoices and work-in-progress costs, under a single contract, or instalments due under a lease agreement.

Credit insurance for lease agreements

Covering risk of non-payment of instalments under leasing agreements for goods, with policy terms and credit limit fixed for any period, up to five years.

Credit Insurance for single contracts
and leases

Single-situation solutions for buyer non-payment under stand-alone supply contracts and lease agreements.