Serendipity strikes: why entering the world of surety could change your life 

17 September 2024
After completing her studies in risk management, Jasna Strukar set out to join the world of finance. While making swift progress in widely varying banking roles, however, she discovered her true calling elsewhere: in the challenging, high-powered field of surety. As Head of Sales in the surety department at Allianz Trade, Jasna walks us through her career journey. 

I was born in Bosnia and studied in Paris, where I obtained a Master's degree in Risk Management by alternating between academics and hands-on work experience. My first point of contact with the professional world was during this five-year period, when I completed an apprenticeship at a corporate and investment bank. Motivated to pursue a career in finance, I then applied for a role as a Deputy Corporate Banker in a French international banking group, eventually moving into the role of Head of Sales in Allianz Trade’s surety department.

This job was a revelation, as it provided me with an understanding of cash management and my first experience in surety directly facing customers. Ultimately, it made me realize that surety was where my interest lay. A curiosity for the field, combined with a desire to tackle new challenges and grow professionally, led me to apply to Allianz Trade.

As Head of Sales of the surety department, I lead a team of 14 people in defining and following the surety roadmap in line with Allianz Trade’s strategies and objectives.

My responsibilities also include developing our commercial activities, customer portfolio and departmental turnover. I work with economies from all over the world, which demands constant adaptation in order to establish new objectives and means of achieving them. 

It’s been a challenge to acquire the necessary skills to progress within surety. Advancing to my level of leadership in this field is quite rare considering my age – when I was first made responsible for managing teams, I was only 33. Allianz Trade has a special mentality for promoting talent based on real meritocracy, which translates to a high level of trust and support.

Part of this support has been providing me with managerial and strategic training, equipping me with the confidence to face new scenarios head-on. Not only do I feel fulfilled, but I am also open to exploring various opportunities, such as working internationally and discovering regions like Asia, the UK or the US!

But by far the accomplishment I’m most proud of in my career is supporting the development of talent within my team. Playing an active hand in the growth of my team members and watching them rise to new positions has been truly fulfilling. Building upon the skills of my colleagues and contributing to the internal evolution of the surety department in this way has been an incredibly rewarding experience. 

To succeed in surety, you need to be versatile in order to adjust to extremely varied and specific customer needs and sectors. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are also important, as we’re constantly exchanging with people and navigating relationships. A good dose of curiosity and motivation is essential, too. The more you advance within the field, the more you will need to know the product you’re working with.

I would add that project management skills and a firm understanding of risk and legal concepts make the difference between a good surety professional and a great one. And finally, you need to be able to work within a team – we achieve much more as a group. 

Don’t be afraid to specialize. Surety is a niche profession; it’s a career path in which the more you know, the more value you have to offer. As this is a very dynamic field in constant growth, fully committing to it by expanding your expertise at every opportunity is the best approach.

I discovered surety by chance and haven't regretted it – needless to say, I encourage anyone considering it to dive in!  

Jasna Strukar
Head of Sales in Surety Department 
Allianz Trade in France