Jun 21, 2024

What to Watch 21 June 2024

European Commission plays bad cop, the fiscal pinch of the left in France and overcapacities in China
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Jun 19, 2024

Industrial policy: old dog, new tricks?

Industrial policies and subsidies are back with a bang, especially in major economies such as the US, China, India, Germany and Brazil.
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Jun 14, 2024

What to Watch 14 June 2024

Snap elections in France, the equity risk premium puzzle, the end of the Fed conundrum?
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Jun 13, 2024

Climate change and the double impact of aging

Climate change will compound the rise in health expenditure already expected due to aging societies.
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Jun 06, 2024

What to Watch 06 June 2024

ECB easing begins , taking stock of NGEU, no turbulence for the airline industry ’s bottom line
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Jun 04, 2024

What to expect from the European elections

With an expected 60% participation rate, the 2024 EU elections are set to be a pivotal moment for the European Parliament
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May 31, 2024

What to Watch 31 May 2024

Elections (UK), Elections (Mexico) and Elections (South Africa)
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May 29, 2024

Allianz Pulse 2024: What unites and separates the demos of Europe

Ahead of the decisive elections on 6-9 June, the 6th edition of our Allianz Pulse survey finds huge divisions in views of the EU.
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May 24, 2024

What to Watch 24 May 2024

US commercial real estate and the Fed, oil price roller coaster and corporate optimism returns after Q1 earnings
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