Conduct privacy policies

Partners in the development and performance of companies in Portugal. 

We have a set of rules that constitute our "Code of Conduct", considering that:

  • Our company relies on the trust of its clients, shareholders, employees, and the general public have regarding its performance and integrity;
  • This trust depends essentially on the behavior and individual capacities of employees and members of their governing bodies (collaborators), and their willingness to jointly create value for customers, shareholders, and the Company;
  • The establishment of principles and rules of conduct of a general nature does not hinder the adoption or application of specific rules of conduct, given the applicable legal and regulatory context, as well as the activity and the characteristics of the Company.
  • Our shareholder adopted codes of conduct that establishes principles of legality, integrity, loyalty, and independence.

With Head Office in Lisbon, VAT Number and Register Number at Lisbon Commercial Registry 500 726 000, with the Capital of € 7.500.000,00, we are an insurance company in the areas of Trade Credit and Bond Insurance, providing services to other companies (B2B) to help them develop their business safely and the domestic and foreign trade.

We care about your personal data. This Privacy Police explains the kind of personal data we collect, how and why we collect and use it and for how long it tis kept. We also explain how the data subject can access, correct, or object to the processing of his personal data (including requesting deletion, subject to applicable laws and regulations).

Learn about our Customer Service Policy towards its Policyholders, Insured Clients, Beneficiaries, Risk Entities, and Interested Third Parties.
Our reputation is based on the trust that our customers, shareholders, employees, supervisory authorities, and the public have in our integrity. Our corporate conduct is based on a commitment to act professionally and in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

Our Anti-Corruption Policy was developed in accordance with the principles of compliance with the Laws and Regulations applicable to our activity, namely Decree-Law nº 109-E/2021 of December 9.

Our Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Offenses is integrated into the Risk Assessment Plan, as provided for in the corruption prevention measures included in our Anti-Corruption Policy.

The Evaluation Reports regarding the implementation of the corruption risk prevention plan monitorization can be found in the documents below.

Under the terms of the legislation and regulations in force applicable to its activity, we have specific, independent and autonomous means suitable for receiving, processing and archiving complaints and reports of serious irregularities, with the possibility of admitting anonymous internal complaints and reports related to the following matters:

  • The company's administration, governance system or accounting organization, and which are likely to cause its financial conditions to deteriorate;
  • Serious indications of breaches of duties laid down in the RJASR or in a delegated act of the European Commission adopted in development of the Solvency II Directive;
  • Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, active and passive corruption, economic sanctions, protection of privacy and personal data and security, public procurement, competition and corporate taxation or harassment and discrimination.

The confidentiality of the identity of whistleblowers, of those affected by the irregularity reported and of any third parties mentioned, having in mind that unauthorized access is prevented.

In this context, irregularities should not be confused with complaints (expressions of disagreement or dissatisfaction with the position taken by the company in the course of its business, or with the services it provides, submitted by policyholders, insured persons, beneficiaries and injured parties) which are the object of a complaint.

Irregularities of which they are aware may be reported by company employees, people performing key functions, interns, whether paid or unpaid, holders of shareholdings and people belonging to administrative or management bodies or tax or regulatory bodies. supervision, including non-executive members.

Irregularities may also be reported by service providers, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers, including people acting under their supervision and direction.



Reporting of Irregularities
COSEC – Companhia de Seguro de Créditos, SA
Av. da Liberdade, 249 - 6th floor - 1250-143, Lisbon

It is recommended that the indication "Confidential" be placed on the front of the envelope, that the envelope be glued, countersigned in the closing area and tape placed over it, to guarantee inviolability during transit.

This website aims to provide, free of charge and without prior registration, access to information about COSEC - Companhia de Seguro de Créditos SA, its products and services, while not hindering the possibility of requiring prior registration to access certain information or allowing access to insured clients who meet the established conditions to access their policies’ management platform.
COSEC - Companhia de Seguro de Créditos, SA, headquartered at Avenida da Liberdade, 249, 6º piso, 1250-143 Lisbon, an insurance corporation, authorized by the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões - ASF) to conduct business in the Non-Life Sectors – Credit and Bond Insurances. Registered at Lisbon Commercial Registry under a single registration and tax identification number: 500726000, with a share capital of € 7,500,000.00.