U.S.: Fed hikes, becomes more dovish, but not enough

Dec 20, 2018

U.S.: Fed hikes, becomes more dovish, but not enough

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Eurozone:  ECB – starting shot for the great unwind in 2019

Dec 20, 2018

Eurozone: ECB – starting shot for the great unwind in 2019

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Germany: Political uncertainty weighs on economic activity

Dec 20, 2018

Germany: Political uncertainty weighs on economic activity

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UK: Brexit – The vote of last resort on 15 January?

Dec 20, 2018

UK: Brexit – The vote of last resort on 15 January?

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Argentina: Officially in recession (again)

Dec 20, 2018

Argentina: Officially in recession (again)

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France: Addicted to debt

Dec 20, 2018

France: Addicted to debt

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Angola: No debt truce despite the IMF

Dec 20, 2018

Angola: No debt truce despite the IMF

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China: Preparing for next year

Dec 20, 2018

China: Preparing for next year

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2019 ECB Preview: Starting Shot for the Great Unwind

Dec 19, 2018

2019 ECB Preview: Starting shot for the great unwind

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