net interest income

Feb 14, 2023

Rates, not roses: The long goodbye to zeronomics and its implications for the private and public sector in the Eurozone

2022 marked the end of the era of negative interest rates. But the turnaround has not yet reached all parts of the economy.
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monetary policy central europe

Feb 09, 2023

Monetary policy in Central and Eastern Europe ahead of the curve?

Central banks in the CEE-4 were the first to halt their interest rate hiking cycles and, barring any new shocks, we expect some of them to also be ahead of the curve when it comes to the pivot.
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Europe's response to the US IRA

Feb 07, 2023

A Faustian bargain: Europe’s answers to the US IRA

The Inflation Reduction Act is America’s first serious attempt to tackle the climate crisis and reach its own emission-reduction goals. But it entails a string of protectionist measures that might hurt Europe’s green industry.
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Feb 02, 2023

Falling off a savings cliff?

Americans to fall off the pandemic savings cliff after the summer break, while Europeans hoard even more
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corporate investment

Jan 31, 2023

Do we need more inflation to get more corporate investment?

Up until 2019, global disinflation pushed down corporate investment, but the return of inflation since 2020 has failed to reverse the trend.
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consumption wealth effect

Jan 27, 2023

Consumption: What’s (wealth) got to do with it?

Household consumption is starting to lose steam in Europe's largest economies and the US.
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Jan 24, 2023

No, the energy shock in Europe does not mean de-industrialization

The large energy-price shock still lies ahead for European corporates but it won't be a game-changer for price competitiveness against the US.
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Quantitative tightening Eurozone

Jan 20, 2023

Quantitative tightening and debt repayment costs in the Eurozone

The ECB will start quantitative tightening in March, but the expected reduction of its balance sheet will be limited at the planned run-off rate of government bond holdings.
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Jan 17, 2023

Allianz Risk Barometer 2023: Cyber and business interruption top threats as economic and energy risks rise

Cyber incidents and business interruption rank as the biggest company concerns for the second year in succession.
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