In another sign of the increased risk of fraud for companies, 64% of them say they noticed an increase in the phenomenon in 2020. Worse still — and proof that companies are aware of the threat — is that while the risk of fraud is already extremely high, 87% of those surveyed fear an increase in the months to come.
According to the results of the Euler Hermes - DFCG 2021 Barometer, the link is there: almost one out of two companies has indeed noticed a decided increase in the number of attacks following the expansion of teleworking. This environment may certainly seem more conducive to fraud and cybercrime, especially within a context that has pushed companies to adapt rapidly and perhaps, as a result, with less control.
Have companies taken the necessary measures to strengthen their protection against the risk of fraud in the context of the COVID-19 crisis?
"Companies appear to have adapted their protective systems in parallel with changing working conditions: 91% of those surveyed provided their employees with professional IT equipment suitable for working remotely. 66% have adapted their internal procedures to correspond to the expansion of teleworking. Finally, 67% have strengthened their security procedures to protect themselves from possible new vulnerabilities", says Philippe Guillaumie, president of the DFCG Scientific Committee.