Working as a Senior Account Manager for Allianz Trade has given me the chance to leverage my skillset and personality in the best way possible. I am experiencing a whole new level of satisfaction at work since I joined the business side of surety.
My career started out in the somewhat repetitive domain of financial controlling, auditing, and accounting positions. Now I combine this solid background with the more social element of the surety role, and it has made all the difference. I didn’t always realize that this would be the role that fit me so well– I found the surety niche by accident. I had been searching online for new opportunities and came across a job posting for a sales manager role with Euler Hermes. After getting hired for that position, I spent the next 6 years in sales and found myself increasingly drawn to the surety bond business.
I appreciated the fact that surety is a known and sought-after product to businesses once they enter the process of applying for projects. My role was more about meeting clients’ needs and addressing their pain points as opposed to convincing them about the value of a surety bond. At the same time, surety felt like a good fit for my skillset because it requires a strong understanding of balance sheets and financial data analysis. My experience with business credit scores and credit insurance was highly relevant as well.