Our extensive experience and global reach is at the heart of our approach to surety underwriting.
“Allianz Trade is rated AA by Standard & Poor’s, so we have a strong rating and that gives confidence to the beneficiaries of the bonds,” Clement explains. “Also, our brand is very well known all around the world, which is a strong benefit for companies that work or export internationally.”
“In addition to the brand’s reliability and strength, we bring two additional key capabilities,” adds Ana. “The first is our global network, because we can issue bonds in more than 60 countries. And in those jurisdictions where we have individuals on the ground, we have direct access to underwriting expertise at the local jurisdiction.” Indeed, our global workforce includes more than 200 surety professionals around the world who can support large, long-term, complex deals. It makes us a key partner for success, both for multinationals and for small or domestic companies due to the breath of our service in multiple jurisdictions.
“The second is that we can support different types of surety and guarantees, and offer different types of security or letters of credit alternatives and these are supported by our 100-plus year history,” Ana continues.
Allianz Trade being the European market leader and one of the most experienced global surety providers, providing bonding facilities worth around EUR50bn to approximately 15,000 clients, surety underwriting is as exciting for those in the role as it is important for our clients.
“I find the nature of surety very interesting because we are an important partner that supports our clients’ development and secures their contracts,” Clement concludes. “I’m always happy to see press articles about the companies we are working with – we see the impact we have and that we are helping grow international trade.”
To learn more about how surety bonds can support your business, visit our local websites and contact our local teams.