Infrastructure spending in Europe and the US

Dec 16, 2021

Public infrastructure investment: enough bang for the buck?

The recent scaling up public infrastructure investment has become an essential element of the fiscal stimulus during the recovery phase of the pandemic and promises to reverse the secular decline of capital spending.
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Dec 15, 2021

Social Risk Index: Leave the door open for development

Advanced Economies are generally less vulnerable to systemic social risk than Emerging Markets, and the gap between the two has widened during the pandemic.
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Euler Hermes Global Trade Report 2021

Dec 09, 2021

Global Trade Report – Battling out of supply-chain disruptions

When it comes to inputs from China, Europe is on the weak side of the tug-of-war against the US.
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EU energy transition

Dec 08, 2021

Jostle the colossal fossil: A path to the energy sector transition

The EU faces an implementation gap of six years in cutting greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector by 2030.
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Dec 03, 2021

Monetary policy: Omicron management & beyond

In their December policy meetings, the US Federal Reserve and the ECB will be tested on their monetary policy stance amid signs of higher inflation and rising omicron-related uncertainty.
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Global FX volatility

Dec 01, 2021

Global FX volatility: still waters run deep

A China factor is increasingly present in a large set of non-CNY-denominated assets, which can create “hidden” opportunities as well as “hidden” risks.
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Chinese capital markets

Nov 25, 2021

Chinese capital markets: the panda in the room

China’s speedy economic development and dominant role in global trade has spurred a rapidly evolving financial system with an increasingly diverse capital market.
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Nov 21, 2021

US retail: a not so black Friday for consumers

American consumers hunting for Black Friday bargains won’t find much in 2021 as supply remains tight, inventory low and discounts will apply to goods already more expensive.
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Nov 18, 2021

Corporate credit: life after policy support

Strong crisis support from central banks has triggered substantial inflows into corporate credit, keeping spreads anchored close to multi-year lows. But will a world without QE reverse the trend?
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