Nov 17, 2021

The middle-income trap: inequality across countries after Covid-19

In 2020, Covid-19 narrowed the prosperity gap between rich and poor countries as the former were at first the most affected. But over the medium and long run, its consequences could hit emerging markets harder.
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Diabetes and Covid-19

Nov 12, 2021

Diabetes and Covid-19: The silent 45 billion euro problem

A further rise in the prevalence of diabetes could add 25 million people suffering from diabetes worldwide, causing 45 billion euro of direct health costs per year.
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EU utility transition

Nov 10, 2021

The EU utility transition: A pathway powered by solar and wind

Electrification is the key to decarbonization in the EU, but a front-loading of investments is needed to ramp up renewable energy to meet rising demand.
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Global paper outlook

Nov 05, 2021

Wrapping up? How paper and board are back on track

Paperboard should account for two-thirds of global paper output by end-2022, thanks to booming e-commerce sales.
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Transport in a zero carbon EU

Nov 03, 2021

Transport in a zero carbon EU: Pathways and opportunities

The transportation sector, including domestic transport, international shipping and aviation, accounts for almost 30% of the EU’s annual carbon emissions.
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UK trapped by policy choices

Nov 02, 2021

United Kingdom: Trapped by policy choices

The Bank of England seems caught between a rock and a hard place as the UK faces both elevated inflation — likely to last until Q4 2022 — and upcoming fiscal consolidation. However, by not acting, it risks creating even more inflation.
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Supply-chain disruption and sector profitability in the US and Europe

Oct 28, 2021

The big squeeze: supply disruptions pressure manufacturing margins in the US and Europe

Companies in Europe and the US could face a profit squeeze from Q4 2021 onwards as sustained supply-chain disruptions slow the manufacturing recovery.
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Allianz Climate Literacy Survey

Oct 27, 2021

Allianz Climate Literacy Survey: Time to leave climate neverland

Though COP26 is the center of attention, climate literacy seems to be worryingly low in Germany, France, Italy, the UK and the US.
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Oct 21, 2021

IPOs: turbocharged by private equity

IPO volumes are set to hit a new record in 2021, offering investors higher return potential than traded equity, albeit with higher risk. But choosing the right IPO depends on more than just geographical location and sector.
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