Feb 03, 2021

Vaccination delay to cost Europe EUR90bn in 2021

After finishing 2020 on a high note with a vaccine light at the end of the tunnel, Europe now faces a moment of truth.
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Allianz Regional Pension Report 2021: Asia

Jan 27, 2021

Allianz Regional Pension Report 2021: Asia

There is no country in Asia that doesn’t need pension reforms.
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Jan 26, 2021

The hot race for green tech dominance to cool the global climate

For the EU, US and China, the Covid-19 recovery is an opportunity to accelerate in the race to dominate energy transition industries.
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Jan 20, 2021

President Biden's inaugration: 100 days to save America?

Joe Biden has promised a USD1.9trn stimulus package and a plan to distribute 100mn vaccine doses in his first 100 days.
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Jan 18, 2021

The world is moving East, fast

The Covid-19 crisis could accelerate the shifting global balance towards Asia.
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Germany economic growth

Jan 14, 2021

Germany: The economic growth rollercoaster continues in 2021

With tigher Covid-19 restrictions, the Germany economy is in for a much more notable growth setback in early 2021.
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Saving behaviors post Covid-19

Jan 13, 2021

Change? What change? Saving behaviors post Covid-19

Not only did people save more during the crisis, they also saved differently, channeling more money into equities and investment funds.
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Brexiting in times of Covid-19

Jan 12, 2021

Brexiting in times of Covid-19

The Covid-19 crisis provides some leeway for policy support to absorb the negative impact from Brexit, but we expect UK GDP to remain -2% below pre-crisis levels at end-2022.
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Economic best wishes for 2021

Dec 18, 2020

'Dear Santa': Our economists' wish list for 2021

As 2020 draws to a close and we release our updated forecasts, our economists were caught day dreaming of a world where their boldest wishes would come true.
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