Feb 24, 2021

European corporates: (active) cash is king

European non-financial corporates have seized the opportunity of state-guaranteed loans to build up excess cash reserves, especially in France, the UK and Italy.
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Feb 23, 2021

QE and the bull market in everything but diversification

By triggering a fresh, global and pronounced round of QE, the Covid-19 crisis has struck another heavy blow to diversification.
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Feb 18, 2021

Risk literacy and choices - Stubbing toes in the dark

We surveyed nearly 7,000 people in seven countries to find out about risk literacy during the Covid-19 crisis.
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Feb 17, 2021

Digital-enabling countries proved more resilient to the Covid-19 economic shock

Our estimates show that an additional point in a country’s 2020 EDI score translated to +0.25pp GDP growth in Q3 2020 y/y.
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Mario Draghi and the Italian economy

Feb 15, 2021

Italy: Draghinomics FAQs

As Italy’s new Prime Minister, Mario Draghi faces a double burden: weak growth momentum and a vaccination delay that could cost EUR10bn.
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Feb 11, 2021

Is the Chinese ox reflating the world, one container at a time?

Amid surging demand for imports from China, a container shortage and a strengthening RMB are pushing up import prices for European firms.
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Feb 09, 2021

China: Riding the silicon ox?

China’s success in product assembly, marketing and design relies on huge chip imports.
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Feb 08, 2021

Big oil: At risk of becoming fossil firms?

After a year of low oil prices and low demand, the hit to profitability will continue in 2021 and 2022.
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Covid-19 vaccines

Feb 04, 2021

Covid-19 vaccines: a USD40bn revenue windfall for pharmaceuticals

Biotech companies and Big Pharma are set to be the winners of the game at the expense of generic manufacturers.
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