Apr 23, 2020

Reopening the world: Beware of false starts

Managing the reproduction rate of the virus effectively will mean most economies will function at 70% to 80% of their potential for two-three quarters.
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Apr 22, 2020

Europe should unlock excess savings from Covid-19 response

In turbulent times, households become more risk-averse and may shy away from consuming or investing.
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Apr 17, 2020

China: In search of lost demand

We now expect the Chinese economy to fully resume only in June.
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Apr 17, 2020

Fed bazooka: A long shot

For the time being, the U.S. Treasury is merely accumulating a war chest.
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Apr 16, 2020

Exiting the lockdowns: a tale of four stories

Epidemiological data suggest that few countries are already in a position to start deconfining.
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Apr 09, 2020

Oil: The floods

We expect significant volatility around our central Brent crude price forecast of USD 41/bbl as an unprecedented inventory build battles with a hope-driven news flow.
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Apr 09, 2020

Covid-19 to increase U.S. delinquency rate by 6.5% and insolvencies by 25% in 2020

Covid-19 is likely to cause the largest shock on the U.S. economy since 1947.
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Apr 07, 2020

What does Covid-19 mean for Emerging Markets?

Manfred Stamer, Senior Economist for Emerging Europe and the Middle East, explains.
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Apr 06, 2020

What does Covid-19 mean for Germany's economy?

Katharina Utermöhl, Senior Economist for Europe, explains.
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