Global equity markets and inflation

Apr 26, 2021

Equity markets: In search of Goldilocks’ inflation

Several factors point to reflation in 2021-2022, with a temporary overshooting ahead in the US and the Eurozone. Is this good news for equity markets?
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Investment recovery in the US and Eurozone

Apr 22, 2021

Investment is back: Harder, better, faster, stronger?

In the short run, a demand catch-up and the reduction in spare capacities will drive a business investment recovery. But it could take up to four years to return to long-term growth trends.
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Apr 19, 2021

European corporates: Cash-rich sectors get richer

The Covid-19 crisis has pushed up cash concentration among European non-financial corporates.
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Inflation outlook for the US and Eurozone

Apr 15, 2021

Demystifying the four horsemen of the inflation apocalypse

We expect inflation will only stage a temporary overshoot in the US and briefly hit the ECB’s “below, but close to, 2%” target in the Eurozone in 2021
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Taper tantrum and Emerging Markets

Apr 12, 2021

Taper Tantrum in 2021-22: Beware of the TUCKANS

We find 7 Emerging Markets are particularly vulnerable to an eventual tapering of monetary policy by the US Fed.
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Apr 07, 2021

Unleashing excess foreign exchange reserves to boost growth in Latin America

In 2021, Latin American countries could be holding "excess" FX reserves of around 8.8% of GDP, with an opportunity cost to economic activity as high as 0.7% of GDP.
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Apr 06, 2021

Joe Biden's infrastructure plan: defying gravity

Biden’s USD2.3trn ‘Build Back Better’ plan represents the second stage of a three-phase stimulus rocket and will be a long-term driver of growth in the US.
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The great Covid-19 race

Apr 01, 2021

Race to the post Covid-19 recovery: 7 obstacles to overcome

The pace of vaccination campaigns will drive a multi-speed recovery, keeping divergence high.
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Suez Canal block and supply chain disruption

Mar 26, 2021

The Suez Canal ship is not the only thing clogging global trade

Supply-chain disruptions since the beginning of the year could cost USD230bn.
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