Jun 30, 2020

Money is power: Can a country's culture increase the risk of payment defaults?

The strength of social hierarchy matters for insured trade credit defaults
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Jun 25, 2020

When Main Street makes it to Wall Street

New retail investors could explain the current decoupling between the U.S. equity market and economic fundamentals.
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Jun 19, 2020

Construction companies in Europe: Size does matter

Covid-19 is sparking a profitability shock for SMEs in the construction sector.
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Jun 17, 2020

The risk of 9 million zombie jobs in Europe

We estimate that 20% of those currently enrolled in short-work schemes face an elevated risk of becoming unemployed in 2021 because of the muted recovery in late bloomer sectors and the policy cliff effect.
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Jun 12, 2020

Equity markets: Have policymakers created Pavlovian markets?

Wall Street is responding faster and faster to counter-cyclical policies, as if it was 100% sure that past experience is a sure guide to the future.
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Jun 09, 2020

Rough landing: 2020 will be a terrible year for air transportation

Global demand in air transport will not return to its pre-Covid-19 level before 2023.
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Jun 04, 2020

Social Risk Index: Structural determinants of social risk

As the Covid-19 pandemic pushes the global economy into the worst recession since WWII, systemic social risk could become a more important factor of political risk and worsen the business climate in some countries.
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Jun 04, 2020

Managing the curves: Shaping a sustainable Covid-19 recovery

The Covid-19 pandemic represents a historic window of opportunity to accelerate the global transition to a net zero emission society.
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Jun 02, 2020

European corporates loading up cash against uncertainty

At the end of H1 2020, we estimate the net savings of EU non-financial corporates to have doubled to over EUR700bn, or more than 4.5% of GDP
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