
 Grow your business safely

Do you want to grow your business? Discover our tips to grow your business safely and avoid non-payment

Grow your business is what every entrepreneur wants. There are many ways to grow your business. But how do you develop your business in a safe and responsible way?

Some examples of growth opportunities:

  • Develop your activities with your existing customers
  • Expand or narrow your market (specialize)
  • Establish cross-connections with other sectors
  • Carefully examine the market and react proactively
  • Set up intelligent (digital) marketing

Share your growth plans with others. Discuss your ideas with your employees and other entrepreneurs. They like to think with you and share some ideas. However, the approach must fit with the way you work. Therefore, never blindly copy someone else's growth strategy. All roads lead to Rome. Every business is different. Stay yourself.

Are you excited about a particular idea? Always make a growth plan. You cannot predict the future, but you can make assumptions and consider the consequences. What are the opportunities and risks you will face and how do you plan to respond to them?

Sometimes your own success can be the biggest danger. Many advisers warn businesses to be on their guard for over-trading and it remains a trap that is never far away when the economy is growing.

Saying ‘no’ is the hardest part of running a business when attractive opportunities come along, especially for small businesses. Investors want to hear about growing returns and the bank wants to see turnover rising. Your employees may have bought in to the excitement of a great leap forward too.

The harder you work to win new customers, the better your product, the more chance there is that an order will come which is larger than any you have received to date. Or an invitation to tender for a project that would double your turnover for the year.

When that situation comes along, there are several solutions to manage the risk and take advantage of the opportunity. Be sure to have correct and clear terms of delivery. And assess your potential and existing national and international customers on their creditworthiness, so that you are not confronted with surprises.

Taking out trade credit insurance is one of the prime ways to limit risk. Trade credit insurance is one of the services that will protect your cash flow and give you greater freedom to trade. Setting up cover for major contracts or for your customer portfolio can improve your position when requesting financial support.

A trade credit insurance allows you to effectively evaluate local and international prospects and protect your company against non-payment from your customers. And should anything go wrong, you can relax knowing that you are protected during the expansion into a new market. 

Increase market share

With a trade credit insurance, you benefit from better conditions with your financial partners. You can offer better terms and credit limits to grow sales and enhance customer relationships.

Boost market penetration

A trade credit insurance helps you to evaluate credit risks, prequalify your customers and offers an additional protection to confidently add new buyers.

Expand to foreign markets

A trade credit insurance allows you to make strategic credit decisions and offer competitive terms overseas, eliminating cash in advance or letters of credit.

Grow with key customers

A trade credit insurance facilitates the development of your sales with key customers without the worry of concentration risk.

Obtain financing

A trade credit insurance transforms your accounts receivables into secured collateral. Guaranteed payment is a positive asset in the eyes of lenders, which in turn can translate working capital at more favourable rate.

Support acquisitions

A trade credit insurance helps you to create coherent credit processes, take control of receivables in a secure way and understand the creditworthiness of the new customer portfolio.

Protecting your company has never been so important than now. Especially in this crisis period, you are never safe from the default of payment or the insolvency of one of your customers. Very often bad payments and insolvencies lead to a snowball effect. This creates risks for the cash flow and profitability of your business. A large unpaid invoice can jeopardise the growth of your business or eventually lead you to insolvency.

A trade credit insurance protects your business against the risks of defaults of payment and insolvencies of your customers:

We monitor the financial health of your customers

We take care of the collection of your unpaid invoices

And we compensate you when your customers don’t pay