Bad debt protection: how insurance can help

Find out what bad debt protection is and how you can protect your business from unpaid invoices thanks to insurance solutions.
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How to prevent insolvency risk

Learn more about business insolvency risk and discover measures to assess but also prevent it, including insolvency protection insurance.
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How to create a business risk management plan for your company

Learn about business and enterprise risk management: what it is, the main risks, advantages and disadvantages and how to create your process.
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The importance of fraud prevention for businesses

Fraud and embezzlement account for 58% of all white-collar crimes. According to Allianz Trade estimates, up to 10% of companies fall victim to fraud committed by their employees annually, causing huge financial losses year after year.
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How to perform customer credit checks

Check out our tips to perform credit checks on existing and potential customers, in order to assess credit risk.
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What is bad debt insurance, and how can it help my business?

Understand how bad debt can impact your business, and what actions you can take to protect your business through bad debt insurance.
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Invoice Insurance: An Explainer

Understand how unpaid invoices can impact your business and why it is important to protect your business with invoice insurance.
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The typical perpetrators of internal business fraud

Often it's just a few bad apples operating within the ranks of a company that are responsible for internal fraud. But who are the most likely candidates, and what are the warning signs to look out for?
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What happens when your employees harm your company and how can you prevent it?

The rise of business crime means companies need to stay alert or risk falling victim to bad apples operating both internally and externally. The truth is clear: insider fraud can often cause massive losses, and the statistics back this up.
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99 releases in total