
Whether you wish to implement a program or create a new institution you need a promotion strategy identifying the key enablers, the target group, the industries and sectors, the products. Subsequently, you also need to know the risks that you will be facing when your promotion takes effect. These need to be identified and managed leading to a comprehensive risk strategy. We support you in both, leading to a balanced approach aligned to your specific promotion needs and the risk appetite.


Based on your strategy we can together design a tailor-made trade promotion scheme. This may include building a brand new institution requiring a best-fit target operating model. Often, however, new strategies can be implemented in an existing institution. Then we can offer support with new products, better processes, improved governance, upscaling of institutions, changes of on mandates.


A well-functioning foreign trade scheme needs a set of rules and streamlined processes. These are unique for every institution, wherefore it is essentiel to create a hierachy of documents that reflects the specific organisational set-up, sttructure of governance  business model and risk-appetite. Furthermore, it should ensure a sound embedment into the national political vision and legal environment. It will be the basis for sound governance, profound decision-taking and high quality results.

Based on your strategy we can together design a tailor-made trade promotion scheme. This may include building a brand new institution requiring a best-fit target operating model. But often, new strategies can be implemented in an existing institution. Then we can offer support with new products, better processes, improved governance, upscaling of institutions, changes of on mandates.

Allianz Trade Advisory consulting is a service of Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft.

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