Euler Hermes in Germany offers a range of trade promotion consulting services to help governments and export credit agencies (ECAs) in their efforts to increase the international footprint of their national economy. Our solutions facilitate domestic and international trade promotion from developing the best-fit export promotion strategies through creating innovative and best-practice instruments to implementing and supporting new or existing trade support schemes.

Our clients trust in Euler Hermes’ skills and experience as the world's largest credit insurer paired with deep experience from advising governments in designing and operating ECAs including the very successful Export Credit Guarantee scheme in Germany.

Trade promotion is embedded in a set of overlapping and interdependent international, national and self-set rules that are often leading to complex products and processes. We know what it takes to run a public trade support scheme with an impact to be proud of: smart operating models, streamlined procedures ensuring quality operations, tailored products to be understood from users and financially sound risk management.

Being part of the global market leader for credit insurance we can bring private sector market knowledge to the world of public trade support. Mandates and rationales may be different many of the challenges are the same. For our clients we mobilize best-practice from both worlds for the success of your project.

We offer our experience to create, develop or revamp foreign trade schemes. Independent of whether you want to create a new institution, set-up a program, develop new products, enlarge your portfolio or streamline your doings along best-practice, we can be of support to you.

Allianz Trade Advisory consulting is a service of Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft.