JPY-denominated exports contracted by -8.4% y/y in January, driven by a fall in demand from China (-17.4%) and Western Europe (-6.6%), which led to a significant decrease of sales of manufactured goods (-11%). Meanwhile, deflation fears intensified as inflation came in at just +0.2% y/y in January. Looking ahead, risks are tilted to the downside. The flash Manufacturing PMI suggests that activity contracted in February (48.5 points, after 50.3 in January) reflecting a more challenging international environment as trade uncertainties linger and economic growth in China slows. In that context, domestic demand is set to remain the main growth driver. Household con­sumption fundamentals are relatively solid with a low unemployment rate (2.4%) and improving wages. Monetary policy will remain supportive. Economic growth is set to rise by a moderate +0.7% in 2019 (the same as in 2018).